Manufacturing Quality

One of the most common issues in manufacturing is inconsistent quality. This problem can be due to various factors – inconsistent quality of raw materials and components – due to inefficient supplier quality management, health and maintenance of manufacturing equipment, production process compliance – SOPs on paper are not supported with systemic control, quality testing process compliance – siloed approach to quality control, supply disruptions, and shortage of skilled manpower. Inconsistent quality leads to product defects, customer complaints and significant impact to profitability apart from reputational damage. There are no solutions currently in the market which can provide a seamless process to integrate supplier quality, manufacturing quality, and equipment maintenance and management, leading to a better utilisation of available information to proactively improve quality and thus profitability.

Stratera provides a robust solution that can…

  • Integrate Supplier Quality, Manufacturing quality, and Equipment Performance data.
  • Translate defined SOPs into systemic controls enabled by digital data capture and IoT enabled devices to facilitate structured data capture and analytics.
  • Enable a system-based Recipe and/or component management and traceability.
  • Generate analytics of data from IoT enabled manufacturing equipment to analyse downtime and develop preventive maintenance schedules
  • Provide end-to-end traceability of quality including line quality personnel involved for improved RCA.
  • Provide real-time visibility of quality data from multiple lines to various decision makers – one version of truth, to enable a true capture of cost of poor quality and take preventive measures for defect repetition.

These are some of the features which will help businesses in the process, discrete, and process + discrete manufacturing areas to prevent defects and hence improve profitability.