Applied AI
- Innovative application of AI to empower decision makers
- Predictive defect occurrence
- Predictive CoPQ (Cost of Poor Quality)
- Predict adverse quality events
- Collaborate better with suppliers to prevent adverse supply chain events
- Take preventive steps to mitigate predicted quality events
- Prevent epidemic failures
Industrial enterprises have to deal with a very diverse range of data in a dynamic environment. Customer’s often face data quality issues due to silos or manually updated documents which hinder AI development and adoption.
Stratera can help customers with AI in a focussed manner to deal with problems that can often not be seen due to lack of pure data. Stratera’s “focussed algorithms out-of-the-box” ensure that customers can take advantage of speed, accuracy and reduced cost of change and adoption.
We continue to invest so that our customers can leapfrog and stay ahead.